Travelling alone is great if you’re that way inclined. However, it also puts you at a bigger risk. You need to make sure you stay safe if you’re going to do it, so you’ll want to plan ahead. It’s not as simple as packing your bags and setting off on the road. Have a read through these tips to help you stay safe.
Understand The Place You’re Going To
Before you hit the road or step on a plane, you’ll want to have a good idea of where you’re going. Look at where you might be staying. Is it a bad area? Will you want to avoid walking around there in the evenings? In some places, the nightlife can get quite violent. You’ll need to know the areas to avoid before you get there. This is true for any vacation you take, but even more so when you’re on your own. You’re a prime target for anyone that might be looking to steal from you or cause violence. Being uneducated about this kind of thing could cost you.
Tell People Where You’re Going
Did you ever see that film “127 Hours”? It focused on the story of a guy who never told anyone where he was going, and subsequently got trapped for 127 hours. That’s an extreme example, but a good one to showcase why you need to inform people of your plans. Have a mobile phone on you in case you need to contact someone. If you’re taking long journeys on the road, GPS tracking by LiveViewGPS can inform people of where you are at all times. If you were to get into a crash or your vehicle broke down, they’d be able to notice that something was wrong.
Don’t Act Like A Tourist
You might get away with this in places like Disneyland where everyone’s a tourist. However, don’t go making yourself stand out when you’re among the locals. I’ve seen people taking pictures with their oversized tablet devices in places where thievery is rampant. Just like any country, 99% of people won’t care, but that extra 1% will see it as a chance to exploit you. Any actions you take to make yourself fit in will take that huge target off your back that potential thieves will be looking for.
Don’t Underestimate The Importance Of Safety In Your Own Country
If you’re going on a lone trip in your own country, it’s easy to feel like you know the place. Whether it’s for work or a short holiday by yourself, you might let your guard down. You need to be vigilant at all times. Even if you think you know the safe areas of the area you’re visiting, be sensible. Don’t go out on your own late at night, and don’t flash your gadgets and jewellery all over the place. Park in well-lit areas and do your research about reputable accommodation before you go to avoid any unwelcome surprises.
As long as you adhere to these basic tips, you’ll have a fantastic time. Stay safe out there.
Featured Image Credit: Pixabay
The post How To Stay Safe When Travelling Alone appeared first on Inspired Magazine.